Map Attribution

Attribution is important, therefore we try to make the process easy and transparent for you.

Attribution requirements for Mapilion's vector tiles: Mapilion's vector maps are based on Data from OpenStreetMaps and it's required to attribute them accordingly (© OpenStreetMap contributors). OpenStreetMap is licensed under ODbL. We use the map schema of OpenMapTiles and parts of their opensource tools, therefore you have to attribute OpenMapTiles. When using the vector tiles you have to show attribution on the map as follows: "© Mapilion, © OpenMapTiles, © OpenStreetMap contributors". For a browsable electronic map, the credit should appear in the corner of the map.

Attribution requirements for Mapilion's hillshading tiles: Mapilion offers two different versions of hillshading tiles: v1 and v2. The v1 hillshading tiles are solely based on the SRTM dataset from Nasa. When using the v1 hillshading tiles you have to show attribution on the map as follows: "© Mapilion". For a browsable electronic map, the credit should appear in the corner of the map. The v2 hillshading tiles are a combination of SRTM, ASTER GDEM (resampled), and Copernicus data. The original work was done by Yves Cainaud from opensnowmap. While this offers improved quality and increased coverage* (covers Scandinavia and most parts of Canada and Russia), Copernicus and ASTER GDEM require attribution. When using the v2 hillshading tiles ou have to show attribution on the map as follows: "© Mapilion". You also need to show the following attribution (not necessarily on the map, you can link to this page): "ASTER GDEM is a product of METI and NASA - EU-DEM produced using Copernicus data and information funded by the European Union".
* The SRTM data covers the area between latitude 60 and -60 (~80% of the world's landmass). ASTER GDEM covers the area between latitude 83 and -83 (~99% of the world's landsmass).

License for the used map styles: Mapilion currently provides different map styles.
OSM Bright is a slightly modified version of OSM Bright that improves the visualization of borders and includes hillshading.
Dark Matter is a slightly modified version of Dark Matter.
Kurviger Liberty is a heavily modified version of OSM Liberty to suite the outdoor enthusiast. Kurviger Liberty is currently only available as raster style and requires you to add "© Kurviger" to the attribution.

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