
Explore Amazing Features

High Volume

Designed to handle millions of requests per minute. Requests are served with a highly scalalbe cloud infrastructure.

High Availability

We use multiple layers of caching and several replications to provide high availabilty.

Open Terms

You can use the service for essentially every use-case, including asset tracking, navigation, and private applications.

Open Standards

We love open source, open data, and open standards. You can use Mapilion with Mapbox GL, OpenLayers, VTM, or any other MVT compatible client.

Raster Tiles

We believe that vector tiles are the future. But today raster tiles are still very important. We currently offer two raster styles: OSM Bright and Kurviger Liberty. We also offer hosting your own OpenMapTiles compatible style, please contact us for details.

Hillshading Tiles

Mapilion provides two different sets of hillshading tiles. V1 is based SRTM data, V2 is based on SRTM, ASTER GDEM, and Copernicus data. In addition to vector tile clients, the hillshading tiles can be also used with raster tile clients like Leaflet.


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Sign up to Mapilion

You can sign up for Mapilion via Rapid API

Connect on RapidAPI
Signing up via Rapid API gives you instant access to Mapilion and you can even start for free. If you need a larger plan, or would like to access Mapilion without using Rapid API, feel free to contact us.


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